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Profitable Internet Businesses to Do as a NYSC Youth Corper to Earn Extra Income During NYSC

As a youth corper embarking on the mandatory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program in Nigeria, you likely want to maximize your time and earn some extra income on the side. However, with the demanding schedule of serving your fatherland, it can be difficult finding opportunities that allow flexibility. Thankfully, the rise of the internet has opened up many profitable business options you can pursue completely online as a corper – no matter where your place of primary assignment takes you in Nigeria. 

In this article, I’ll share my own experience starting internet businesses during my NYSC year, along with several promising ideas you can implement yourself to generate an additional income stream. By the end, you’ll understand how to leverage the power of the internet to turn your corper year into a lucrative period of personal and professional growth.

Harnessing Your Skills and Passions through Freelancing

One of the easiest and most flexible ways to earn money online as a corper is through freelancing websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and PeoplePerHour. These platforms allow you to offer a wide variety of services – from graphic design and web development to writing, translation, and data entry. All you need is an internet-connected device and the skills to complete the jobs. 

During my NYSC year, I found success freelancing my skills in writing and social media management. I was able to choose my own hours and workload around my service schedule. Within a few months, freelancing provided a significant supplemental income and valuable work experience. Some other top skills corpers can monetize include:

  • Programming and Tech Services
  • Tutoring and Teaching 
  • Digital Marketing and Advertising
  • Video and Graphics Design
  • Administrative and Customer Support

The best part is you can promote your services across multiple platforms to reach more potential clients. Just be sure to carefully consider your rates, build a strong portfolio, and maintain excellent client communications.

Starting an Online Store with Dropshipping

If you have an eye for trends and discovering profitable products, running an online store via dropshipping could be a great fit. With this business model, you promote and sell items on your own website but have suppliers ship the products directly to customers. This allows you to enter retail with very low upfront costs.

  • Choose a Niche
  • Set Up Your Website
  • Find Reliable Dropshipping Suppliers 
  • Market Your Store
  • Provide Excellent Customer Service
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Some top niches for corper dropship stores include tech accessories, apparel, home goods, health and beauty products. Focus on items with high demand, low supply costs, and few competitors. With enough marketing, you can generate consistent sales even while serving. Just be prepared to constantly update your inventory.

Monetizing Your Skills Through Online Courses

If you have in-depth expertise in a subject like photography, design, coding, or finance, developing online courses is a superb way to share your knowledge and earn residuals from sales. Popular platforms like Udemy and Skillshare make it simple to create, host and market your lessons. 

  • Outline Your Course Content
  • Create High-Quality Video or Text Lessons
  • Add Quizzes, Assignments and Community Forums
  • Publish Your Course and Promote It
  • Provide Lifetime Access and Online Support

The best courses solve specific problems, are evergreen, and provide immense value – even if you are limited with service schedule. Market strategically through social platforms, blogs, forums and more. Over time, you can build a sustainable online academy.

Monetizing a Blog or YouTube Channel

If you have a flair for writing or creating videos, an online publication or channel can deliver residual income during and even after your NYSC year. The popularity of platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram have made it easier than ever to build huge followings and monetize content.  

  • Choose a Niche and Create High-Value Content 
  • Optimize for Search and Social Shares
  • Add Monetization Like Ads, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts
  • Engage and Build Your Audience
  • Remain Consistent with Posting Schedule

Focus on topics you’re passionate about that people search and engage with already. Slowly expand your reach, steadily optimizing for search and shares. Eventually, you’ll earn from multiple income streams to supplement your corper allowance!

Starting an Affiliate Marketing Website  

With affiliate marketing, you get paid commissions for sending sales to other companies. It’s an effective passive business model for corpers with little upfront costs. Simply build a niche site or YouTube channel to:

  • Educate Visitors About a Topic 
  • Share High-Quality Products or Services 
  • Track Links and Earn From Referrals
  • Use Social Proof to Boost Conversions
  • Stay Up-to-Date and Improve Over Time
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Focus on items from reputable programs with clear buyer intent. Promote affiliate links alongside helpful, engaging content to earn while you learn. Even simple sites can yield sales by solving real problems for people.  

ePublishing and Selling Digital Products

If you’re a talented writer or creator, consider packaging your expertise into books, guides, templates, designs or other e-products. Sell creations through the major marketplaces or your own site for added profits. Some ideas include:

  • eBooks on Trending Topics
  • Creative Design Packs and Infographics 
  • Online Courses and Tutorials 
  • Templates and Worksheets
  • Stock Photos, Music or 3D Models

The global digital content industry continues growing immensely. With promotion on authority sites and forums related to your niches, you can drive consistent royalties during your corper year and beyond.  


As you can see, the opportunities to start profitable online businesses during NYSC service year are nearly endless. With passion, creativity and perseverance, you can leverage the power of the internet not only to supplement your income but also gain valuable skills and experience. And who knows, one of your ventures may lead to long-term success! Now get started with the ideas that most excite you. Stay focused on providing value and you’ll surely reap the rewards.


How much do youth corpers make?

National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members in Nigeria currently receive a monthly allowance of ₦33,000. However, many corps members have expressed dissatisfaction with this amount due to the high cost of living and inflation in the country. 

Which state pays corpers more?

The state that pays corpers more in Nigeria varies, as different states offer different allowances to National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members. Akwa Ibom State pays the highest state allowance, with corpers in state hospitals receiving N75,000 per month, in addition to the federal allowance of N30,000. Other states with notable allowances include Lagos, which pays N15,000, and Sokoto, which pays N9,000 to corpers in state hospitals. It’s important to note that these figures may not be comprehensive or up-to-date, and allowances can change over time.

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